The very 1st and unique Crypto Opera NFT gallery. Here the World of Classical Music is the inspirational Muse of the unstoppable blockchain Cryptoart with unique NFT creations, each pieace is one of a kind followign the line defined style of Crypto Opera ™


La Divina
Inspired on Maria Callas

Opera portrayed by an Opera Singer: I hadn't drawn for more than 20 years, I studied Art in Chile at the end of the 90's. Then I discovered my possibilities as an Opera singer when I was discovered in 2001. I started my career in 2006 debuting in Bologna in Italy, since then I have sung in the whole world for almost 20 years, London, Verona, Hong Kong, Washington, Sao Paulo, Zurich, Munich, Mumbai and the list is endless. Today with the time that this limitation of being at home provides me, away from the stages with the global Pandemic, I have resumed my first passion and here we are, combining love from my two creative reasons in life: Opera and Art. Giancarlo Monsalve.


Majestic J
Inspired on Jessye Norman


Big Luciano
Inspired on Luciano Pavarotti


La Nilsson
Inspired on Brigite Nilsson


Inspired on Enrico Caruso